We are here to inform and help our clients. We publish news, information and opinion related to the different aspects of management. We deal with real estate, labor, tax, insurance, community of owners, legal issues and business possibilities.
New Regulation on Foreigners: Significant changes in the areas of residence, family regrouping and visas On 19 November 2024, the Council of Ministers approved a new regulation on foreigners that introduces important changes to the current regulatory framework. This regulation updates the law in order to align Spanish legislation...
As a result of the pandemic, companies began a process of digitalization of work that has become a socio-labor phenomenon. It is increasingly common for people to telework and be able to go wherever they need without having any impediment when carrying out their work. From anywhere in the world, traveling with the only requirement of having a...
The Costa Brava is one of the most sought-after areas of Catalonia and the Mediterranean. Its importance as a tourist destination for sun and beach means that year after year its reputation and value continues to grow. Both nationally and internationally, the Costa Brava is one of the most desirable and sought-after areas for both investment...
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